Monday, June 18, 2007


These have got to be among the least endearing creatures ever! They're defensive little buggers, too. When threatened, they're like bizarre pint-sized submarine Super Soakers on a mission. They shoot out water along with some of their gooey insides--for good measure-- at anyone they consider an enemy. Then they simply turn around and regenerate a whole batch of new internal organs. You just can't seem to keep them down!

Some varieties remind me a lot of Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and some other members of the Bush Kakistocracy in that they are bottom feeders and seem to lack any sense of ethics. I am uncertain as to whether or not they have any ties to the larger oil corporations, but you never know. I have a feeling that one of my next entries will elaborate on the similarities between these two classes of organisms.

They really love eating dead stuff and are, in my opinion, extremely creepy-looking. They fooled me once when I went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered a dish containing them. I mistakenly thought that I was about to partake of a vegan meal.

You live and can only hope that you've learned.


curator said...

I had no idea they squirted their innards at will. That's just not pleasant.

Jill Arnel said...

They give a whole new meaning to the word "eviscerate." Or do they "auto-eviscerate"?

I think there might be a DOJ analogy in this somewhere. Tomorrow.

curator said...

Gimme more seacuke...?

rick the mouseherder said...

I remember diving off of Guam and a guy stuck a seacuke in his wife's hair. What a mess. She had much shorter hair after that.

seacuke wrangler said...

Maybe a well-place seacuke would be solve some of America's problems. Even "executive privilege" can't trump nature is some of its stickier respects. . .